Jurnal Disprotek

JDPT (Jurnal DISPROTEK) is a scientific journal that results from the latest research in the technology field. Under the registration numbers P-ISSN 2088-6500 (print) and E-ISSN 2548-4168 (online), it is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara.

The scope of the scientific article published in Disprotek covers the fields of informatics engineering, information systems, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, and aquaculture.

Journal publication is carried out twice a year, in January and July.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology/Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency No. 200/M/KPT/2020 concerning the Ranking of Accreditation of Scientific Journals for Period III of 2020, the Disprotek Journal is positioned at the 5th rank of Accredited Scientific Journals. This accreditation is valid for five years, from Volume 9, Number 2, of 2018 to Volume 14, Number 1, of 2023.

Please read this guide carefully. Authors who wish to submit their manuscript to the Disprotek editor must adhere to the writing guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or is written in a different format, it will be rejected by the editor before further review. Editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the assigned format.

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VOL 15 NO 2 JULY 2024

Jurnal Disprotek edition Vol 15 No 2 for July 2024 has been opened.  
Posted: 2024-01-23

DISPROTEK Journal Acceptance: FULL PAPER for publish Vol. 15 No.1 January 2024 Has Been Fulfilled

We inform you that the paper submitted for publication in Vol.15 No.1 January 2024 has been fulfilled, so the next paper that has been submitted will be considered for publication in Vol.15 No.2 July 2024.  
Posted: 2023-12-18
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Vol 15, No 2 (2024): Article in Press

Table of Contents

Sains dan Teknologi

Sahenda Yoanas, Nanik Susanti
Fredi Herawan, Widya Setiafindari
Noor Azizah, Nindiya Ika Nugraha Hartoyo