The Phenomenon of Child Marriage in Jepara and Its Prevention Strategies

Indah Noviani Wahyuningtyas, Vannesa Almayra Nugroho



The rise of child marriage cases under the age of 19 in Indonesia is very concerning. Thus, strategies and prevention efforts are needed. The purpose of this research is to analyze data on child marriage cases in the Jepara Region and as a forum for participating in carrying out outreach activities to suppress child marriage cases in the Jepara Region. .The research used in this case is field research or field research by applying the case study method which is packaged in a qualitative descriptive manner. This research was conducted in the Jepara area. Data collection techniques in this study are by observing, interviewing, and document analysis. The results of the study show that child marriage in Jepara is increasing every year from 2020 to 2023. The causes of early marriage are influenced by several factors, including education, customs, environment, and the economy are the dominant factors triggering child marriage. The impacts caused by child marriage are health, psychology and domestic violence, the economy, and divorce. Several strategies to reduce cases of child marriage that can be carried out are through socialization regarding the dangers of child marriage, holding life skills to help hone skills, as well as digital platforms which are currently widely used by the community so that access to information distribution on the dangers of child marriage can be widely accessed.

Keywords: Child marriage, impacts, prevention strategies

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