Muatan Dakwah dalam Adat Tingkeban di Desa Damarwulan Keling Jepara

Laila Nur Sa'adah


This article describes the contents of religious proselytizing in tingkeban tradition in Damarwulan Keling Jepara. Processions and the meaning of the tradition in tingkeban Damarwulan Keling Jepara also described. The type of this research is a case study and field research with descriptive research that would make systematic, factual, and accurate about facts and properties of a given population. In analyzing the data, researchers used qualitative data analysis, the data can not be judged by the numbers directly. In this case, reseacher try to describe the opinion of the traditional leaders and contens of religious proselytizing in tingkeban Damarwulan Keling Jepara. The results showed that the contents of religious proselytizing in the tradition tingkeban that is the right media of religious proselytizing for the multiculture community, expression of gratitude, prayer, strengthen Ukhuwah Islamiyah, and sadaqah.

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