Nilai-Nilai Sufistik Puisi “Mencari Bening Mata Air” dalam Perspektif Dakwah

Noor Malikah


This article aims to determine the mystical typology of Gus Mus poetry in the book "Mencari Bening Mata Air" and transcendent of mystical values of Gus Mus poems that contained in the book "Mencari Bening Mata Air" in the perspective of dakwah. This research is library research which used descriptive analysis method. It means to interpret and analyze the data source. The data collection was done by documentation. While the approach a mystical approach, this study was found that rhyme typography in poetry Gus Mus prepared in unconventional, that doesn't mean the left and right edges but symmetrically in the middle. Precisely symmetrical in the middle of this poetry can serve as a sighting balance typography and give to the harmony meaning. The concept of man in Gus Mus Poems positioned to the prophetic role. And the entire of poetry Gus Mus in this book are included in the typology of lyrical types. In the poetry Gus Mus founded mystical dimension, namely: Thariqat that think out the concept of maqamat and Hal as a form tahalli for the achievement of the essence of life. In the perspective of dakwah, poetry Gus Mus is a media of religious proselytizing as the stripes Gus Mus expression of spiritual experience in the form of material about the mystical values. it is derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

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