Munas NU 2012 dalam Framing Kompas dan Suara Merdeka

Wahyu Khoiruz Zaman


This paper examines the news Compass and the Independent Voice of the National Conference and Konbes Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) which was held on 14 to 17 September 2012. What is studied is how the media was proclaiming the national conference, as every news certainly has viewpoints and special interests who either consciously or no effect on how to write his message. Technically, fifteen articles were published both studied through framing device belongs Zhondang and Kosicki. What then is found in this study shows that in general the compass to be more careful as well as the synthesis of more put particularity of the General Assembly in the spectrum of nationalism or the problems of nationality and not provocative Suara Merdeka which tend to be more vivid and striking on the issues that are currently hot discussion.But be aware that this assessment reveal several trends in the news several specific reports that do not necessarily reflect a particular ideology, although the picture can give dikomparasi and further siseintesakancoverage through the coverage of different objects.

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