Komunitas dakwah Ekspreso: Studi Analisis Strategi Dakwah Mantan Preman di Solo

Siti Zaida Hanum, Akhmad Rifa'i


 This research is about the da'wah strategy of one Ustadz through the Expresso community (Ex-Thugs Solo), a community consisting of former thugs who have emigrated, to invite other fellow human beings to return and istiqomah in the way of Allah. This is what makes da'wah considered a noble job, many of today's preachers commercialize da'wah for personal gain even though the interest of da'wah is for the benefit of the ummah. In fact there are still many good methods and strategies of da'wah, especially those that have been explained in the verses of the Qur'an. This research uses a type of qualitative research, so that this research gets more perfect results. Qualitative research used is a descriptive approach. This study aims to determine Ustadz Sri Mulyono's strategy in the Expresso community in the context of community empowerment. The results of the study found that the strategy carried out by Ustadz Sri Mulyono could be seen from the findings in the field that the da'wah carried out by Ustadz Sri Mulyono in the Express community used the strategy of verbal bills, bills of matter, and aspects of the heart.




Expresso, Da'wah, Strategy

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