THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PAIR WORK TECHNIQUE IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Quasi Experimental Study at Tenth Grade Students of MA Walisongo Pecangaan Jepara in the Academic Year of 2018/2019)

Maftuhatun Nurul Millah



This article is aimed to find out how significant is the difference in students’ achievement of speaking skill on descriptive text who taught by using pair work technique and those who taught without using pair work technique. Pair work technique is a technique that requires students to completing task or work in pair. This study was quasi experimental research. The population was tenth grade students of MA Walisongo Pecangaan and 46 students were chosen as the sample. Tests were used as the instrument of data collection. Then, the data was analyzed by using t-test. The result showed that pair work technique is effective in improving students’ speaking skill on descriptive text. This was proven by the tvalue (2,391) was higher than ttable (2,021) (2,391 > 2,021). That calculation also had already proved by SPSS. It meant that hypothesis which stated that pair work technique is effective in improving students’ speaking skill on descriptive text was accepted. So, it could be concluded that pair work technique is effective to improve students speaking skill on descriptive at tenth grade students of MA Walisongo Pecangaan Jepara. Pair work technique also can be used by English teacher as a variety among the other technique because this technique is required students to be more active in completing their task.




Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menemukan seberapa signifikan perbedaan pencapaian kemampuan berbicara siswa khususnya dalam teks deskriptif yang diajar menggunakan pair work technique dan mereka yang diajar tanpa menggunakan pair work technique. Pair work technique adalah teknik yang mengharuskan siswa untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan secara berpasangan. Penilitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimental. Pupolasinya adalah siswa kelas 10 di MA Walisongo Pecangaan dan 46 siswa dipilih sebagai sample. Tes digunakan sebagai instrument pengumpulan data. Kemudian, data dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pair work technique efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa khususnya dalam teks deskriptif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan thitung (2,391) lebih tinggi daripada ttable (2,021) (2,391 > 2,021). Perhitungan itu juga telah dibuktikan dengan SPSS. Artinya, hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa pair work technique efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa terutama dalam teks deskriptif diterima. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pair work technique efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas 10 MA Walisongo Pecangaan Jepara. Pair work technique juga dapat digunakan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu teknik di antara yang lain karena teknik ini mengharuskan siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam menyelesaikan tugas mereka.


pair work technique, speaking skill, descriptive text

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