Sarwido Sarwido


Manufacture of wood-carving and sculpture in Jepara is the business sector that still has a very large optimistic amid many large companies out of this business field because of the impact of the global financial crisis. This is due to the uniqueness of the product specification and the result of
wood-carving and sculpture, which will always attract foreigners from overseas. Small and Medium
Industry empower wood-carving and sculpture become a very important and strategic business. Small and Medium Industries is shaped from economic field rather than people involved in, and Small and Medium Industry can empower the workforce and contribute foreign exchange to the government, particularly in Jepara regency. This study aims to determine the effect of micro credit to the effectiveness of working capital in the empowerment of Craft Small and Medium Industry in Jepara carving and sculpture. To face problems that occured in the Small and Medium Industry of wood- carving and sculpture in Jepara, craftsmen and enterpreneurs who work in this field will empower to wood-carving and sculpture in Jepara as their responsibility. This study is nn only as a discourse but also as an effort to increse Small and Medium Industries in order to keep growing and become a source of Jepara people?s livelihood

Keywords: Small and Medium Industries, wood-carving and sculpture in Jepara, micro credit, Jepara people?s livelihood

Industri ukir dan patung di Jepara merupakan sektor bisnis yang masih memiliki rasa optimis yang besar di luar banyaknya kalangan perusahaan lainnya dikarenakan dampak krisis nilai mata
uang dunia. Hal ini dikarenakan keunikan dari spesifikasi produk dan hasil ukir serta patung yang selalu akan menarik pembeli mancanegara. Kekuatan industri kecil dan menengah yang bergerak di bidang ukir dan patung menjadi hal yang sangat penting dan strategis. Industri kecil dan menengah terbentuk atas dasar ekonomi bukan jumlah orang. Industri kecil dan menengah memberi kekuatan para pekerja dan memberikan kontribusi nilai tukar mata uang asing kepada pemerintah, khususnya
di Jepara. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menetukan efek kredit mikro terhadap keefektifan modal terhadap
kekuatan Industri Kecil dan Menengah industri ukir dan patung Jepara. Menghadapi masalah yang terjadi di industri kecil dan menengah para penguasaha memberikan kekuatan terhadap industri ukir dan patung yang ada di Jepara sebagai bentuk kepedulian. Studi ini tidak hanya menjadi wacana tetapi usaha untuk meningkatkan industri kecil dan menengah supaya tetap berkembang dan menjadi sumber mata pencaharian penduduk Jepara.


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