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Author Guidelines

Authors who wish to submit manuscripts to JDPT (JURNAL DISPROTEK) must comply with the applicable template. If the manuscript does not meet the requirements listed, there is a possibility that it will be returned.

Please download the template below:

How to Download: Select Menu File>Download>Microsoft Word (.docx)

Some points that must be considered in writing an article manuscript are as follows:

  1. Submissions have not been previously published or are under consideration in another journal (or an explanation has not been provided in comments to the editor).
  2. manuscript file in Microsoft Word document file format, not pdf.
  3. Where available, URLs for reference have been provided.
  4. Abstract presented in Indonesian and English, 1 spaced text; fonts 10;
  5. Papers can be written in Indonesian or English in one column.
  6. Papers are in Indonesian, so foreign terms must be written in italics.
  7. Papers are in Indonesian, so foreign terms must be written in italics.
    The number of pages of the manuscript is even, while the number of pages is at least 6 sheets and does not exceed 16 sheets in A4-one-sided paper format.
  8. The title page must include a specific title, author, and an abstract of up to 250 words at the beginning of the paper.
  9. E-mail addresses must be provided under the name of each author and without hyperlinks.
  10. Title writing using Times New Roman 12 pt. and written in capital. As for the other, it is 10 pt. Times New Roman. Writing sentences in the first line of each new paragraph is indented to the right (first line indent) by 0.75 cm.
  11. Bibliographies or citations using the IEEE style
  12. Text that complies with library and style requirements is outlined in the Author Guidelines, which will be found on the About Us page.
  13. Reference management applications can use Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote, which must be used by authors when citing references and making a bibliography in manuscripts.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The theme of the manuscript is in accordance with the focus and scope of the journal.
  2. Manuscript writing according to the writing format that applies in JDPT (Jurnal Disprotek).

  3. The script writer fills out a legally binding statement.
  4. The author agrees that the manuscript will be peer reviewed by Bestari partners and checked for plagiarism.

  5. The author is willing to make revisions based on the results of peer review and plagiarism checks.

  6. Journal manuscripts that have been published become the property of journal management.

Copyright Notice

Lisensi Creative Commons
DISPROTEK: Journal of Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Aquaculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Privacy Statement

The name and email address entered on the journal website will be used exclusively for the journal's stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Submission of Manuscripts: 0.00 (IDR)
Submission of article manuscripts to JDPT (Jurnal DISPROTEK) is free of charge.

for the stages of the journal process it is carried out for approximately 5 months with details: the first 3 months for the process of receiving articles, 2 months after the process of reviewing-editing- and publishing.