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Dunia pendidikan telah dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu faktor penting untuk menumbuhkembangkan  hasrat,  jiwa  dan  perilaku  berwirausaha  di  kalangan generasi muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan intensi kewirausahaan mahasiswa berdasarkan gender, latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 64 orang mahasiswa pada PTS ?X? di Semarang. Pengambilan sampel didasarkan pada judgement atau purposive sampling, sampel dipilih dengan adanya kriteria tertentu yang digunakan oleh peneliti yaitu pernah mengikuti mata kuliah pengantar bisnis. Instrumen survey Entrepreneurial Attitudes Orientation (EAO) model yang dikembangkan oleh Robinson at al digunakan untuk mengukur sikap kewirausahaan. Model EAO menggunakan empat subskala sikap, dimana terdiri dari empat konstrak, yaitu: Prestasi bisnis, Inovasi bisnis, Penerimaan kontrol individu terhadap hasil bisnis, dan Penerimaan Penghargaan diri dalam bisnis. Hasil uji independen sampel t-test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan intensi kewirausahaan antara mahasiswa laki-laki dengan mahasiswa perempuan, terdapat perbedaan intensi kewirausahaan antara mahasiswa berlatarbelakang pendidikan SMU dengan mahasiswa berlatarbelakang pendidikan SMK, dan terdapat perbedaan intensi kewirausahaan antara mahasiswa yang punya pengalaman kerja dengan mahasiswa yang belum punya pengalaman kerja.



The education has been considered as one of the important factors to grow and develop the passion, spirit and entrepreneurial behavior among the younger generation. This study aims to determine the differences in entrepreneurial intentions of students by gender, educational background and work experience. The sample in this research were 64 students on the PTS 'X' in Semarang. Sampling was based on a judgment or purposive sampling, the samples selected with the specific criteria used by researchers that had attended an introductory course of business. Entrepreneurial Attitudes Orientation (EAO) survey instrument model developed by Robinson at al used to measure entrepreneurial attitudes. EAO models using four subscales of attitude, which consists of four construct, they are : Business achievement, business innovation, perceived personal control of business outcome, and Perceived self esteem in business. The results of the independent test sample t-test showed that there were differences in entrepreneurial intentions among male students to female students, there were differences in entrepreneurial intentions among high school students with the educational background and students with vocational educational background, and there were differences in entrepreneurial intentions among students who never work experience with students who have experience work.


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