Subadriyah Subadriyah


One effort to improve compliance of tax obligations community, the Directorate General of Taxation (DJP) built Account Representative (AR) in every Modern Small Tax Offices (Modern KPP Pratama) are responsible for providing consultation, guidance and oversight of taxpayer in their areas. The Small Tax Office (KPP) Pratama Jepara was founded in 2007 has been equipped completed with AR, but in reality there are many people who don?t have a Taxpayer Identification Number (tax ID/NPWP) or even people who have tax ID didn?t implement tax obligations by reason of not understanding the tax laws. The purpose of this research aims to determine the public perception about the quality of the role of Account Representative (AR) in the working area in KPP Pratama Jepara in performing their duties.
The population was all the taxpayers in the working area Jepara Account Representative registered on DJP until September 2012 with a variety of business types and levels of income per year as a research subject, both corporate taxpayers or individual taxpayers are 52 512 taxpayers. The research sample was determined by sampling formula of Taro Yamane (2005) obtained 100 respondents. Research using descriptive statistical analysis. The research states that: 1) the perception of the public regarding the introduction of the taxpayer against AR are 57.25% have a positive perception, 2) monitoring tax compliance by AR to taxpayers perceived by the public is still very low, only 24.67%, 3) quality AR in counseling / consultation on the technique of tax laws had not been optimal, 51% of respondents have negative perception.
Keywords: Perception, Taxpayers, Account Representative (AR)
Salah satu upaya dalam rangka meningkatkan kepatuhan masyarakat atas kewajiban perpajakan, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak mengangkat Account Representative (AR) di setiap Kantor Pelayanan Pajak yang bertugas memberikan konsultasi, bimbingan dan pengawasan terhadap wajib pajak yang menjadi tanggungannya. KPP Pratama Jepara berdiri sejak tahun 2007 telah dilengkapi dengan petugas pajak tersebut, namun dalam kenyataannya masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mempunyai Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) atau bahkan masyarakat yang telah memiliki NPWP belum melaksanakan kewajiban perpajakannya dengan alasan tidak memahami peraturan perpajakan. Tujuan penelitian adalah memaparkan persepsi masyarakat tentang kualitas peran Account Representative (AR) di wilayah kerja Kantor Pajak Pratama (KPP) Jepara dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.

Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh wajib pajak yang ada di wilayah kerja Account Representative Jepara yang terdaftar sampai bulan September 2012 dengan berbagai jenis usaha dan tingkat pendapatan per tahun sebagai subjek penelitian, baik wajib pajak badan ataupun wajib pajak orang pribadi yaitu 52.512 wajib pajak. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan rumus penarikan sampel Taro Yamane (2005) diperoleh sebanyak 100 responden. Analisis penelitian menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa: 1) persepsi masyarakat mengenai pengenalan wajib pajak terhadap AR 57,25% berpandangan positif, 2) pengawasan kepatuhan perpajakan oleh AR terhadap wajib pajak dirasakan oleh masyarakat masih sangat rendah yaitu hanya sebesar 24,67%, 3) kualitas AR dalam melakukan bimbingan/himbauan dan konsultasi mengenai teknik perpajakan dirasakan belum optimal, 51% responden berpandangan negatif.
Kata kunci: Persepsi, Wajib Pajak, Account Representative (AR)

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