Implementasi Dakwah Kultural dalam Kitab Al Ibriz Karya KH. Bisri Mustofa

Khumaidi Khumaidi


This study aims to determine the implementation of cultural propaganda in the Book of Al Ibriz by KH Bisri Mustofa. The Book of Al Ibriz is one of the books written by KH Bisri Mustofa which is famous in the field of Qur'anic interpretations written in Javanese and with pegon characters. With this interpretation, the efforts of KH Bisri Mustofa ground the Qur'an with the approach of local culture, namely Javanese culture. This study uses content analysis method with a qualitative approach. Through Al Ibriz Interpretation Al Ibriz KH Bisri Mustofa seeks to understand the contents of the Qur'anic content to Javanese people, especially among pesantren and rural communities with a cultural approach. Starting from the choice of language, script and interpretation all adapted to the conditions of the Javanese community.

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An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam
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