Karya Sastra Sunan Giri dalam Perspektif Dakwah Islam

Ahmad Yusuf Setiawan


This study aimed to obtain the latest information regarding the successor to the current struggle of Sunan Giri, and the linkage with the existing variables. This research is descriptive qualitative. Subjects in this study is shobirin as the head of the Foundation grave of Sunan Giri. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used by qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that Sunan Giri is also known as a science tauhidi, as well as fiqh science. He was very careful when decide the law, fearing that does not accordance with the teachings of the Prophet. In the matter of worship, known as Sunan Giri not compromise with the old customs and beliefs. About worship, Sunan Giri should be implemented purely and consistently. the mean is not to be mixed with the animism. Implementation of worship must be in accordance with the rules in the Al-qu'an and Sunnah. Sunan Giri used to broadcast Islamic Art. The art form of art song and game like a child's jamuran game, jelungan, bendi Gerit, Gula Ganti, Cublak-Cublak Suweng, lir-ilir song and others. He also created the musical Asmaradhana and Pucung.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34001/an.v7i2.755

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