Pengaruh Iklim Komunikasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Motivasi (Studi pada Guru SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Demak yang berstatus PNS)

As'ad Musthofa


The research analyses the influence of communication climate and leadership style towards teacher motivation at Demak Regency. The background of the research is the decrease of teacher motivation at Demak Regency. The problem of the research refers to the data on the Office of Education, Youth and Sports of Demak Regency showing the low teacher’s motivation. Is there an influence of communication climate towards teacher’s motivation at Demak Regency ? Is there an influence of leadership style towards teacher’s motivation at Demak Regency ? Is there an influence of communication climate and leadership style towards teacher’s motivation at Demak Regency ? and how far do the communication climate and leadership style influence teacher’s motivation at Demak Regency ? The purpose of the research is to find out and measure the influence of communication climate and leadership style towards teacher’s motivation at Demak Regency. The theory applied in the research is Maslow Hierarchy theory, X-Y Mc Gregor theory and perception on motivation theory by using positivistic paradigm. The type of the research is explanative, that is explaining causal relationship inter-variable through hypothesis examination. The population of the research is all State Senior High School teachers having status of Civil Servant at Demak Regency. Sample is taken by using proportional sampling and the amount of respondent is 74 people. The method used in the research is primary data uptake using questionnaire. Data analysis technique uses Multiple Linier Regression. The result of the research concludes that communication climate and leadership style influence teacher’s motivation at Demak Regency as much as 61,7% and the rest of 38,3% was affected by other variables beside communication climate and leadership style. The result of the research is in line with the theory of perception on motivation explaining that person’s working vitality will influence the way they perceive the situation of his working environment. The person’s working vitality will appear when there is a concern, conformity, reliance and satisfaction. The assumption of the leader describing that the officer works not only for the fee but due to the reliance, expression and the responsibility given by the leader in working, appropriate with X-Y Mc. Gregor theory. The findings is also appropriate with Maslow hierarchy theory stating that the needs fulfillment and working environment’ conform make person’s working motivation better.

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