Safrizal Safrizal



One of the solutions needed to reduce the use of fossil-based electric energy is the utilization of alternative energy (Solar Cell) around the load location. Electricity demand for Faculty of Science and Technology building (SAINTEK) during peak load from 08:00 to 15:00, 3 x 65 Ampere or 34,244 kW, with electric energy consumption 34,224 kW x 8 hours = 273,794 kWh. The use of electric power on the outside conditions of peak load time (LWBP) 16:00 s / d 08:00 about 3 x 13 Ampere or 6.844 kW, energy consumption for 16 hours x 6.844 kW = 109.5 kWh. Total electrical energy consumption for 24 hours = 109.5 kWh + 273,794 kWh = 383,294 kWh. Capacity of PV Array 89,864 kWp, PV Array generates daily average electric energy of 418,59 kWh exceeds kWh load consumption. Number of PV panel 325 units Panel, 280 Wp perunit, PV string 13 module, PV Array 25 module. Battery Capacity 2331 Ah, Bi-directional 45 kW inverter. PLTS is capable of replacing conventional fossil fuel-based electrical energy, either from PLN or Genset, while reducing CO2 content in air of 0.719 kg / kWh x 273,794 kWh = 196,85 Kg / day.

Keywords: photocell, daily, solar, radiation, SAINTEK


Salah satu solusi yang diperlukan untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi listrik berbasis bahan bakar fosil adalah pemanfaatan energi alternatif (Solar Cell) di sekitar lokasi beban. Kebutuhan daya listrik untuk gedung Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (SAINTEK) selama beban puncak (peak load) mulai jam 08:00 s/d 15:00, sebesar 3 x 65 Ampere atau 34,244 kW, dengan konsumsi energi listrik 34,224 kW x 8 jam = 273,794 kWh. Pemakaian daya listrik pada kondisi luar waktu beban puncak (LWBP) 16:00 s/d 08:00 sekitar 3 x 13 Ampere atau 6,844 kW, konsumsi energi selama 16 jam x 6,844 kW= 109,5 kWh. Total konsumsi energi listrik selama 24 jam = 109,5 kWh + 273,794 kWh = 383,294 kWh. Kapasitas PV Array 89,864 kWp, PV Array membangkitkan energi listrik rata-rata harian 418,59 kWh melebihi konsumsi kWh beban. jumlah PV panel 325 unit Panel, perunit 280 Wp, PV string 13 modul, PV Array 25 modul. Kapasitas Battery 2331 Ah, Bi-directional inverter 45 kW. PLTS Sainteks mampu menggantikan energi listrik konvensional berbasis bahan bakar fosil baik, bersumber dari pihak penyedia daya (PLN) atau Genset, sekaligus mampu mengurangi kadar CO2 di udara CO2 0,719 kg/kWh x 273,794 kWh =196,85 Kg /hari.

Kata kunci: photocell, radiasi, harian, matahari, SAINTEK

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34001/jdpt.v8i2.544

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