Prinsip-Prinsip Jual Beli Online dalam Islam dan Penerapannya pada e-Commerce Islam di Indonesia

Misbahul Ulum


E-Commerce in Indonesia has moved very rapid development. Many e-commerce sites have begun to appear along with the development of information technology and internet penetration in the people. This development also took place in the Muslim market sector which was marked by the emergence of several Islamic e-Commerce. The emergence of Islamic e-Commerce is very understandable given the potential for transactions in the Muslim market in Indonesia is very large, reaching 2,800 trillion in 2012. This study aims to determine the extent to which the principles of online transaction in Islam are implemented on Islamic e-Commerce sites in Indonesia, and to find out how to apply the principles of transaction in Islam to the practice of transactions through Islamic e-Commerce. This research is a qualitative research with an analytical descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are done through direct observation and documentation. Through research it is hoped that the practice of online transaction that takes place on Islamic e-Commerce sites is truly carried out in accordance with the principles of transaction in Islam.


e-Commerce, Jual Beli Online, Prinsip Jual Beli

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