Skrining Awal Kesehatan Santriwati dan Pemberian Tablet Tambah Darah untuk Mencegah Stunting

Wiwik Winarningsih


Anemia for young women will be at risk of giving birth to unhealthy babies,
premature birth, low birth weight and stunting. The prevalence of anemia in
PP Putri Wahid Hasym Bangil is still quite high. The results of social service
activities in 2018 showed that the anemia rate among female students was
46%. This figure is higher than the prevalence of anemia in teenagers in
Indonesia, which is 32%. The method of empowering this community
partnership is the formation of a cadre of WITNESSES BERI TTD; Cadre
training and counseling to all female students; Hb examination and initial
health screening of students; Giving TTD; Assistance with drinking TTD
and monitoring and evaluation. Results and Discussion: The pretest results
obtained by the female students were 38.6%, after counseling and training,
the posttest results showed that 95.7% of the female students had a very good
level of understanding. These results prove that this activity is able to provide
material supplies for female students who will later be confirmed as SAKSI
BERI TTD cadres. In conclusion, this activity has a positive impact and new
enthusiasm for female students so they can meet their nutritional needs every
day so as to avoid anemia and stunting. Students who are diagnosed with
anemia will then receive assistance in consuming blood supplement tablets.


Screening; Health; Students; Anemia; Stunting.


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