PKM Penguatan Regimen Terapeutik Penderita Diabetes Mellitus dengan Senam DM, Konseling, Pemeriksaan Sensasi Kaki dan Diabetic Neuropathy Symptomps

Dyah Wiji Puspita Sari, Retno Setyawati, Ahmad Ikhlasul Amal, Suyanto Suyanto, Muh. Abdurrouf, Fitria Endah Janitra, Indah Sri Wahyuni


Complications from diabetes mellitus can be prevented by strengthening the therapeutic regimen of people with diabetes mellitus. This Community Service Program (PKM) aims to support government programs in handling non-communicable diseases especially diabetes mellitus through effective community-based strategies to improve the quality of life for people with DM. The targets in this PKM are people with diabetes who are members of the prolanist program under the auspices of the Bangetayu Community Health Center in Semarang. The method of implementing PKM is the empowerment method which is carried out through several stages, namely socialization, implementation of activities, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The results in this program are increased knowledge of people with DM in understanding the concept of physical activity training for DM patients and diabetic neuropathy symptoms and their prevention, increased ability to practice physical activity with DM exercises from 10% to 80%, participants with diabetes know the results of examination of decreased foot sensation and the appearance of signs symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. The PKM follow-up is that people with diabetes can check their feet sensation and enhance the therapeutic regimen periodically to prevent DM complications. It is hoped that they can maintain physical activity training.


therapeutic regimen; diabetes; neuropathy diabetic

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