Pendampingan Inovasi Olahan Es Krim Jahe-Kencur pada Kelompok Wanita Tani di Mangliawan Malang

Nour Athiroh, Nurul Jadid Mubarakati


Ginger and galangal powder are less attractive to people in Mangliawan village. The cooperative's ginger powder sales business experienced a setback. The aim is to provide creativity and innovation assistance to this ginger powder as a raw material for ice cream. The phenomenon of this decade appears in various variants of ice cream, but there is no ginger-galangal based ice cream business yet. The service method consists of: 1) program socialization, 2) training in making ice cream, 3) formation of non-governmental organizations as program partners, 4) program monitoring, 5) focus group discussion, f) evaluation. Measurement of the impact of the activity was carried out using a questionnaire technique which aims to obtain a direct picture of the community in Mangliawan village. The results of the service program are 1) the public's knowledge of the potential of kencur ginger and its processing has increased; 2) Partners know how to make kencur ginger ice cream; 3) public knowledge of the benefits of ginger ice cream increases; 4) There is a desire of the respondent to open a ginger-kencur ice cream business plan and increase the economic level.


innovation; processed foods; ice cream; ginger; galangal

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