Strategi Perencanaan dan Biaya Pemasaran yang Efektif bagi UMKM Mitra Binaan PT. Semen Indonesia Tbk

Erwin Saraswati


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia play an important role in the economy, as they contribute to 57-60% of national GDP and employ 97% of all labors in the country. Besides raising capital, the main problem of MSMEs are marketing their products. Most MSME businessmen are merely product-oriented, not consumer-oriented and tend to focus only on fulfilling their families’ needs. So do the Fostered Partners of PT Semen Indonesia. After we conduct a training session, an FGD grouped by types of business, and knowledge sharing on web-based technology, MSMEs should be able to solve marketing-related problems and always budget marketing expenses.


MSME; marketing strategy; marketing planning; marketing expenses

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